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Our Story

CI Flex Solutions LLC (formerly Lone Star Planning) is the culmination of extensive experience working with Federal, State, and Local governments, leveraging our diverse strengths and backgrounds to achieve desired results. Since 2010, we have successfully delivered Federal grants management and compliance services within the state of Texas, as well as provided an integral operations support practice designed and tested with our sister company (Civic Initiatives LLC), who was looking for a way to stay focused on its core business without being overwhelmed with the myriad requirements to conduct business with various State and Local governments. Civic Initiative's continued growth only highlighted the inherent difficulties of delivering an excellent product to its clients while managing all the business requirements (e.g., registrations, certifications, reports) and operational support functions.

In 2019 we began working on ways to manage, navigate, and educate on all the operations necessary to be successful in doing business with governments at scale. Focusing on Contract Management, RFPs, Accounts Receivable, and HR, CI Flex Solutions can help your business win business with governments and help you manage those contracts to successful outcomes. Our solutions are tailored for each client. Contact us to discuss your needs and how we can help you be successful in business with the public sector.

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